Monday, July 15, 2019

The problems with iOS 12

iOS 12 is very problematic.  No real file support, no mouse support and no real browser.  I do a lot of photo and footage editing.  I mean a lot.  I need a real file system.  I need mouse support.  The Apple Pencil is fine but a real mouse is better.  I honestly cannot wait for the iPadOS to be release in September.  A real file system.  Mouse support.  File sharing.  Better file management.  Until iPadOS comes out, the 2018 Apple iPad Pro is just a media consumption device that can edit photos and videos just fine.  It's just uploading multiple files via web browser or FTP is just cumbersome.  Till iPadOS comes out, I will need to be using my Windows 10 laptop to edit and upload photos and videos.  It is very unfortunate. 

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