Saturday, July 27, 2019

At the Speedway with the Sony RX100 Mark VI

Calabogie Speedway Motorcross
It was another hot Saturday today.  It was 32 degrees Celsius or 89 degrees Fahrenheit not including the humidity.  With the humidity it was about 40 degrees Celsius and 104 Fahrenheit.  So basically hot.  

The girlfriend and I actually slept in till about 9am this morning.  I was exhausted personally.  Late breakfast and we decided to go to the west of Ottawa just for a drive.  We went thru Fitzroy Harbour, Pakenham and we ended up in Calabogie.  I’ve never been to the Calabogie Speedway before.  I’ve heated of it but I’ve never been there before.  I took only my Sony RX100 Mark VI with me since it’s so easy to carry, it being a really nice point and shoot camera that shoots copious amounts of photographs and does 4K video.  I only shot photos today since it was so hot today.  

I honestly don’t know how these guys and girls ride these bikes wearing those suits in this heat.  I was sweating there just doing photography in the shade.  I am just waiting for the Sony RX100 Mark VII to come out in a few weeks so I can purchase it.  It is supposed to shoot 96 RAW files in a second.  The Sony RX100 Mark VII would be perfect for sports photography such as this.  I’m using it with a 128GB SD card and I have a feeling I could spend the whole day shooting bike racing such as this and fill a few cards easily.  I’d also kill a few batteries.  I think the only problem the Sony RX100 Mark VII is going to be the battery issue.  The whole RX100 series line of cameras has had this issue where it just eats batteries for breakfast.  If Sony could just make the batteries a bit better, you’d have the perfect camera.  The Sony RX100 Mark VII is 99.5% there to being the perfect little point and shoot camera.  Sony, just fix the battery issue and add more megapixels to the sensor.  If this shot 30+ megapixels instead of the 20MP and batteries didn’t drain as fast as they do, it’d be a great camera.  Personally I’ve emptied 2 batteries over a day of shooting and filling up a 128GB SD card just once in the past 4 years owning a Sony RX100 series of cameras and I do some serious shooting with it.

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