Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Wood Duck

Taken today at Mud Lake after a long day at work.  There must have been at least 5 pairs of Wood ducks at the entrance to the path today.  When I came at about 4pm they were all diving for food.  Weather was a bit chilly with a brisk, cold wind

I honestly love shooting with my f2.8 lenses.  I don't think I could go back to a slower lens.  I may be an f2.8 snob but f2.8 lenses help out a lot.  Especially the Canon ones.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


So I upload to several micro stock agencies such as Bigstock, Istock, Fotolia, pond5 and shutterstock.  All get regular sales and on most of them I have 2200+ images.  On Alamy, I only have about 400 or so images.  Granted I only started uploading within the last two months yet I've not made a sale whatsoever on the site.  I'm just wondering if I should continue to upload.  Let me know in the comments below.  

Monday, April 25, 2016

Adobe Certified Expert Certification

No photo to go with todays blog post as this is more of a rant rather than anything else.

I've been interested in photography since I could remember.  I finally took some classes in 2010 at Algonquin College and finished the Photography Techniques certificate in 2012 all while working and dealing with cancer at the same time.  Since I beat cancer back in 2012 and cleared this year with my 5 year anniversary, I've been thinking that I honestly don't want to do the whole IT industry thing anymore.  I've been in IT since 2001.  The only certification I have is my CompTia A+ certificate along with my diploma of course. 

Since I got cancer back in 2010, it made me realize what I wanted to do with my life.  In the last 5 years, life has really been a struggle with cancer and dealing with the breakdown of my marriage and inevitable divorce.  Over the past year or two, I've been feeling the need to get out there with my cameras and follow my dreams.  It's not just dreams I think.  It's actually more than just dreams.  Something inside me is telling me to go out there and do my photography as a full time job.  I feel it in my bones.  I'm unhappy with where I am in my life.  Being newly single.  Being not where I want to be financially along with my living condition.

The only thing that ever makes me happy is when I'm out doing photography.  Doesn't matter what sort of photography it is.  One of the things that worry me is the finances of going out on my own just to do photography.  I upload and sell my photography on various micro stock sites but I don't get enough sales there to support myself financially.  I don't know if I want to work for someone else.  I've done it all my life and would like to head out on my own.  Just frighteningly scary is all.

I think by this time next year, I will be somewhere else other than Ottawa.  I want to get my Czech citizenship back so I can be a dual citizen of Canada and the Czech Republic.  One thing that I do know is I need to get my Adobe certification in Photoshop CC.  Currently I use Lightroom CC to edit all my photography.  I just need to do my certification.  I think that will be my goal in the next couple of months.  Get my Adobe certification and get out of Ottawa.  As one of my Photoshop teachers used to say a lot in class: "Who's with me?"

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Surfing the waves to catching the night sky

I spent the whole day yesterday (4/23/2016) doing photography.  Woke up really early Saturday morning at 4:30am and didn't get to bed till past midnight after shooting the stars.  We started early at 8:30am to go see some kayakers surfing the waves at Bates Island in Ottawa.  Considering the amount of water rushing on the Ottawa river this spring, I'd say all had a good time.  It was a very chilly morning with just above zero degrees celsius feeling like a negative five celsius.  It actually felt colder with the wind.

This is how I ended my day under the starts till the full moon came out at about 10:30ish.  It was time to pack up and head home.  Got home just past midnight and it was really hard to wake up this morning.  But I'm glad I spent the whole day doing what I love and spending  time with good friends who enjoy the same things as I do.

Yes today is kind of a short blog but it's nice and sunny outside again.  So off for other adventures with the Canon EOS 6D's and the Canon L series lenses.  Have a great day everyone.  :)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Canon EOS 7D

Got this shot of a Great Grey Owl a few years ago with my trusty Canon EOS 7D and the Sigma f2.8 70-200MM.  Honestly,  I think the Canon EOS 7D is a great wildlife, sports photography camera.  On a trip to Prague, Czech Republic in June of 2013 it was the only camera that survived of the two.  My Canon EOS 6D body did not make the flight from Ottawa to Prague.  Somewhere between Ottawa and Prague, the pentaprism dislodged from it's housing and was completely useless.  So back to shooting on a cropped sensor.

Anyways, we're gonna talk about the Canon EOS 7D.  Great, great action camera.  With the version 2 of the firmware it just kicked into an awesome action camera because of the number of shots you could get within a second.  The above shot was taken with the Canon EOS 7D and the Sigma f2.8 70-200MM non OS lens.  From what I remember it was a warm day that day.  Now a March day in Canada is not warm for anyone south of the Canadian border.  I think it was maybe around -5 degrees celsius with no wind, no clouds.  Just your typical Canadian spring day.

This was one of the better days of photographing the owls.   No winter snow storm.  It's actually pretty cool to photograph these owls in a cold snow storm with the snow falling down.  It adds some drama to the shot.

In this case I got the Owl coming in to get a meal on a little mouse.  I t think after it got the mouse and went back to eat it, we left as we knew that, that was it as far as it flying as it disappeared into the woods.  I to this day still remember this being one of my happy days.  Photography always makes me happy.

Monday, April 18, 2016

The 70-200MM

I honestly love shooting with the Canon EOS 6D and the Canon EF f.28 70-200MM L IS series lens.  Since I got the Canon 70-200, my acceptance rate on Shutterstock, Fotolia and Bigstockphoto have increased exponentially.  I also think I was holding the lens all wrong and the focus was way off causing my images to be soft and completely not sharp.  But now that I hold the lens a bit differently, I'm able to focus much better and let the lens do its magic.  The Canon EF f.28 70-200MM L series lens is amazingly sharp.

I'm also glad I bought the lens when I did back in October of 2015 as the price has increased by about $700 because of the falling Canadian dollar.  The falling Canadian dollar is good for one thing for myself as Shutterstock, Fotolia, Bigstockphoto and istockphoto all pay in U.S. dollars.  This means now I get about 30% more in my payouts which is nice since I derive 100% of my photography income from micro stock agencies based in either the U.S or the U.K.

I was thinking today while at work how to increase my passive income from photography.  I have my own website of course.  I sell my photography on 500px and Redbubble.  I am not on Etsy yet since I've heard conflicting things about that site.  I have one book available on iTunes.  I have to create probably another 2-3 books and put them up on iTunes and  Mind you, I'm horrible at marketing myself and my photography.  I'm also a perfectionist when it comes to my photography.  It just has to be perfect for me to put it up on a site now.  So it takes a while for me to do anything.

Anyways, back to the Canon EF f2.8 70-200MM L IS series lens.  Just simply an amazing lens as far as sharpness and colour accuracy.  I previously had the Sigma f2.8 70-200MM non-OS lens which means no which was a great lens.  Just not as good as the Canon version.

What originally made me get the Sigma version of the f2.8 70-200 was the great grey owl blow out back in 2012.  At the time, it was the only 70-200 I could afford.  At the time I think the Sigma was selling for about $1000 and the Canon was about $2200 or so (rounding off in dollars).  So the Canon was out of my league.  Now due to circumstances in my life I could afford the Canon lens.  I also now have a few Canon EOS 6D bodies to put my L series lenses onto.  Yes.  I'm addicted to photography and a total Canon camera fan boy.  I wish I was getting Canon to sponsor me but that is not the case.  But, I am hoping to work with Canon soon.  I'm a Canon brand kinda photographer as I shoot video on a Canon Vixia HF R62 camcorder.

If you are interested in some of my photography and videography you can check the following links:

I also upload to and but my portfolios are small compared to the others.

Feel free to shop or contact me here via email.  

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Night fall.

I was supposed to meet up a with a fellow photographer friend to do some astrophotography today as we got clear skies and warm weather.  But alas, she had exams and bailed out on me.  Now, I was not going to have a few thousand dollars worth of astronomy and photography equipment with me alone in the middle of no where at night.

So at the last minute, I decided to go down to Nepean Point in downtown Ottawa to do some night photography instead.  I only stayed for about an hour and half since I had to walk back to my car which was a good half hour walk for me lugging 3 camera bodies, 3 lenses and a pretty solid tripod and head.  

In this shot I managed to get the constellation of Orion above the city of Hull, Quebec.  This shot I think worked out pretty well.  Seems I got the exposure right and managed to get a nice sky behind the bridge and city.

All images can be purchased at my website by clicking on the following link.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Night fall over the gulf

So I love shooting wide field landscape shots with my Canon EOS 6D and the Canon EF f2.8 L 16-35MM lens.

If you seriously want to get into photography, buy a decent body like the Canon EOS 80D, the 7D Mark II and buy the L series lenses.  Yes they're expensive but you get what you pay for.  You can see the quality of a good camera, a good lens and a half decent photographer here:

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Mr. Grumpy

Today's blog is going to be short and sweet.  Warm temperatures.  Blue skies.  And finally photography after work.  

I went to Mud lake today which is located just off of the Ottawa river in Ottawa's west end.  I just needed some fresh air and clear my mind.  I always like going to Mud lake as there are plenty of varied wild life to watch and photograph from small birds to big birds, turtles, and small woodland animals to deer.

Since my longest lens is the Canon EF f2.8 L 70-200MM, I will be doing a lot of cropping of some of my photography since I got rid of the Sigma f5-6.3 150-500MM lens to get another Canon EOS 6D body.

On my way around the lake on the walking path I met a friend and fellow photographer.  He will remain nameless as he shoots on a competing camera line which will also remain nameless.  Now, I met my friend on a bridge which crosses some water.  From this vantage point you can shoot a lot of water fowl such as geese, ducks, musk rats, beaver and very friendly turtles who will gladly pose for you for a small fee.

I spent about two and a half hours shooting the sh*t just talking photography and various other topics.  For not being a people person that is pretty good.  As I am a solitary photographer meaning that I love going to do photography by myself most of the time so I can stop, think, take pictures as I please without any interruption.  I also like doing photography in small groups with other photographers.

Yes, this is a convoluted blog post as it's late on a Thursday night and I work early tomorrow morning.  Plus I wanted to do some astrophotography tomorrow night since I don't have to get up any time soon on Saturday and I could actually sleep in.  

By the way, have I mentioned recently that Canon rocks?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The 3rd Canon EOS 6D body and the moose

So I've been doing a lot of thinking the past couple of weeks with what I wanted to do with my photography and videography.  More specifically, what kind of photography and videography I wanted to do and what my current equipment was capable of.  Also in my thought process was what do I sell via the micro stock agencies I deal with.

Some time ago I bought a Sigma f5.0-6.3 150-500MM lens that I used to get various shots with for my wildlife photography.  I also use a Canon EF 70-200MM f2.8L II USM lens a lot as well.  I've been finding that the Canon 70-200MM far more often than any other lens just because of the build quality of said lens.  If you shoot on the Canon platform and do not use this lens because of the price, I suggest you start saving up to get this lens.  Simply the best lens out there.  Sharp, crystal clear and the colours are consistently amazing with no chromatic aberration at all or at least very, very little.  For my landscape photography I use the Canon EF 16-35MM II L USM lens along with the Canon EF L 24-70MM II USM lens.  For macro photography, I use the Canon f2.8 100MM L USM lens.  I also use the nifty fifty (Canon EF f1.8 STM).

I also shoot video for my stock agencies.  Currently I use the Canon Vixia HF R62 HD camcorder.  I had the Sony FDR AX33 4k HD camcorder.  Now, both shoot amazing video.  World class.  As much as I wanted to keep the Sony FDR AX33 4k HD camcorder, I could not sell 4k video at all.  1080p, plenty.   But of course not as many as I would like.  Sales are always good.

Today at lunch I went to my local camera shop that I always use to buy my equipment to sell some stuff and perhaps buy a new body.  A new body for me anyways.  A camera body that is.  So today at lunch I went and sold some equipment.  I sold the Sigma f5.0-6.3 150-500MM, the Sony FDR AX33 4k HD camcorder and the Sony RX100 Mark IV which by the way is an excellent pocket point and shoot camera which also shoots 4k video along with taking great pictures.  Plus it fits perfectly in the front jean pocket.

Depending on what I was going to get back for the equipment I was going to buy a cropped sensor body like the Canon EOS T6i or the Canon EOS 70D.  I was kind of hoping to get enough money back to get the Canon EOS 70D which is a steadier body with a few more features than the T6i.  Plus the T6i is an entry level camera.  Don't get me wrong, I think the Rebel series of cameras are great.  That's how I started in the photography business.  Actually I upgraded to the Canon EOS 350D from the Canon A95 which was a cool little point and shoot camera that, if I remember correctly required four double a batteries and shot at a maximum of 5MP.

Back on topic.  I had more than enough to buy the Canon EOS 70D body and battery grip.  But I was a bit short for the Canon EOS 6D.  I did a bit of budgeting for the next couple of weeks and figured, why not?  Spend less than $500 to get a full frame body.  My third Canon EOS 6D.  I got the Canon EOS 6D because I was so happy with the other two Canon EOS 6D cameras that I still use to this day to do my landscape and nature photography.

The only thing that bugs me about the Canon EOS 6D is the lack of focus points using only 11 and only 1 is cross type.  Otherwise it's an excellent camera body which works well in low light and other photographic situations.  So now I have three Canon EOS 6D bodies attached to Canon L series lenses except for the Macro and nifty fifty which are waiting for their own bodies.  Eventually I think I may get two mored bodies to finish off the set.  I also need to get a battery grip for the new addition to the Canon family as I find the body to be just a tad bit small for my hands.  The battery grip also helps when you're shooting vertical. I wonder if I can get Canon Canada to send me one for review.  Eh, Canon????

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Fireworks are special to shoot.  I wish I could shoot more of them but they only come around a few times a year here in Ottawa.  May tow four long weekend, Canada Day and the Casino de Lac Leamy hosts a competition every year.  This year, I'll be shooting all events weather permitting.