Sunday, April 24, 2016

Surfing the waves to catching the night sky

I spent the whole day yesterday (4/23/2016) doing photography.  Woke up really early Saturday morning at 4:30am and didn't get to bed till past midnight after shooting the stars.  We started early at 8:30am to go see some kayakers surfing the waves at Bates Island in Ottawa.  Considering the amount of water rushing on the Ottawa river this spring, I'd say all had a good time.  It was a very chilly morning with just above zero degrees celsius feeling like a negative five celsius.  It actually felt colder with the wind.

This is how I ended my day under the starts till the full moon came out at about 10:30ish.  It was time to pack up and head home.  Got home just past midnight and it was really hard to wake up this morning.  But I'm glad I spent the whole day doing what I love and spending  time with good friends who enjoy the same things as I do.

Yes today is kind of a short blog but it's nice and sunny outside again.  So off for other adventures with the Canon EOS 6D's and the Canon L series lenses.  Have a great day everyone.  :)

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